Hear from our students

Kien Shares About How He Became More Focused By Changing How He Studies

Yu En and Mom Discuss How She Learned To View Failure As Success

Jeriel and Parents Shared He Now Takes Care Of His Academics With Confidence

Nahed Shares How Her Kids Gets The Push They Need

Shannon Shares How She Improved Her Study Efficiency By Changing Her Habits

Andric Discuss How He Is Able To Maximise His Time More Efficiently

Maqil Talks About How He Can Perform Better In his Studies

Alena Shares On How Clear Visualisation And Smart Goals Have Helped Her Succeed

Qusyairi And Parents Talks About The Improvement Seen In Effort & High Quality Work

Haley Shares How She Became More Disciplined & Focused When Studying

Jing Xuan's Mom Shared How She Was More Independent In Finishing Her Work in 28 Days

Chloe Discusses About Adopting New Study Techniques To Be More Organised

Quintus Shares How He Optimised His Study Sessions

Visalini Discusses How She Improved Her Concentration by Simple Habit Changes

Keng Siew Shares How His Study Session Is More Successful Now

Matthias Shares How He Became More Focused & Learned More When Studying

Nixon Shares How His Success For Achieving Almost 100% For Recent Tests

Vy's Mum Shares That The New Methods Introduced Will Help Her Succeed 

Student N's Triumph: Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Academic Excellence

Student N defeated writing confidence barriers, managed her own revision, and motivated herself throughout, rapidly achieving a remarkable 5 Achievement Level jump in just 6 months.

In addition to her impressive academic growth, Student N's determination and newfound organizational skills have also had a positive impact on her personal life. 

She has evolved from a disorganized and cluttered study area to maintaining a tidy and efficient study environment.

This transformation not only reflects her commitment to academic success but also her ability to apply discipline and structure to various aspects of her life.

Student C's Remarkable Transformation: 

From Academic Progress to Emotional Well-Being

Student C. demonstrated remarkable dedication, resulting in an impressive improvement of 9 grades in just two months. 

She transitioned from passive learning to meticulous planning and effective study strategies, actively setting both daily and long-term goals. 

Her newfound study habits and self-care practices have led to increased happiness, relaxation, and stable relationships with her friends.

Student A's Remarkable Journey: From D7 to A1 in History

Student A went from needing reminders to taking charge of her learning. She now plans her study schedule by herself and keeps track of her tasks, which helps her become more organised and disciplined.

Before, Student A used to rely a lot on tuition for her studies. But now, she has learned to study on her own. She plans her study sessions and keeps a journal, which means she doesn't need as much help from others.

This change shows that when you are disciplined and take control of your learning, you can do better in school and have a more positive attitude.

Transforming Challenges into Achievements: Student A's Academic Journey

Student A has made impressive strides in her academic journey. 

Her improvements include quickly grasping Physics, a subject she previously found challenging, which boosted her confidence and academic capabilities. 

Furthermore, she has enhanced her performance in Additional Maths, progressing from E8 to B3, and in Science, moving from F9 to B3. Additionally, her Chinese grades have improved, climbing from C5 to B3. 

Moreover, she has become more organized in her learning approach by planning her study schedule, resulting in these remarkable grade improvements and a better overall study experience.